Time to read: 8 minutes

October 30, 2023

October 30, 2023

‍Google Ads, What is and how does it work? – Part 1

Time to read: 8 minutes

What is Google Ads?
Google Ads

Google Ads is a powerful pay-per-click (PPC) platform offered by Google that allows businesses to gain visibility across various Google properties.


Understanding Google Ads 

Google Ads , formerly known as Google AdWords, is Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform that enables businesses to showcase their products or services across Google’s extensive network. With billions of searches performed on Google every second, Google Ads provides businesses with an opportunity to drive targeted traffic to their websites by displaying ads to users who are actively searching for specific keywords related to their offerings. 

Google Ads operates on a bidding system, where advertisers compete for ad placements on the search engine results page (SERP) and other Google properties. The platform allows businesses to create and manage campaigns, set budgets, select keywords, and create compelling ad copy to reach their target audience effectively. 

Types of Google Ads 

Google offers various types of advertisement to help businesses reach their marketing goals: 

Google Search Ads

These ads appear on the SERP above or below the organic search results when users search for specific keywords relevant to the advertiser’s products or services. 

Google Display Ads

Display ads are visually appealing and appear on websites within the Google Display Network, which consists of third-party sites that have partnered with Google to display ads. 

Google Shopping Ads

E-commerce businesses design shopping ads, and these ads appear both on the SERP and in the Google Shopping tab. They display product images, prices, and other details to capture the attention of potential customers. 

YouTube Ads

  • YouTube ads allow businesses to advertise on the popular video-sharing platform. These ads can appear before, during, or after YouTube videos, reaching a vast audience. 

In the following sections, we will explore each types in more detail and discuss how they work and their benefits for businesses

Google Search Ads 

How Google Search Ads Work 

Google Search Ads

Google Search Ads are the most common type of Google Ads and play a crucial role in driving targeted traffic to businesses’ websites. These ads appear on the SERP when users search for keywords related to the advertiser’s offerings. Advertisers determine the placement of search ads through a combination of bid amount, ad quality, and relevance to the search query.

To run a successful search ad campaign, businesses need to create compelling ad copy that resonates with their target audience. Additionally, they must select relevant keywords that align with their offerings and bid competitively to secure ad placements on the SERP. Advertisers can also utilize ad extensions to provide additional information or features to their ads, such as phone numbers, site links, or call-outs. 

Benefits of Google Search Ads 

Highly Targeted Reach

Search ads allow businesses to target users who are actively searching for specific keywords related to their offerings. This ensures that advertisers display ads to a relevant audience, thereby increasing the chances of conversions. 

Increased Brand Visibility

By appearing at the top of the SERP, businesses can enhance their brand visibility and establish themselves as industry leaders. This increased exposure can lead to improved brand recognition and trust. 

Measurable Results

Google Ads provides comprehensive analytics and reporting tools that allow businesses to track the performance of their search ads. Advertisers can monitor metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTRs), and conversion rates, enabling them to optimize their campaigns for better results. 

Flexible Budgeting

With Google Ads, businesses have full control over their advertising budgets. Advertisers can set daily or monthly spending limits, ensuring that they don’t exceed their desired budget. This flexibility allows businesses of all sizes to advertise effectively within their financial constraints. 

Google Display Ads 

How Google Display Ads Work 

What is Google Display Ads?

Google Display Ads are visually appealing banner ads that appear on websites within the Google Display Network (GDN). The GDN comprises millions of websites, news portals, blogs, and mobile apps that have partnered with Google to display ads. Advertisers can use various formats for display ads, including text, images, videos, or rich media, and they target these ads based on factors such as demographics, interests, and browsing behavior.

To create a Google Display Ad campaign, businesses need to design visually engaging ad creatives and select relevant targeting options. Advertisers can choose to target specific websites, audiences, or even remarket to users who have previously interacted with their website. Businesses can ensure that their display ads are shown to the most relevant audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions, by utilizing precise targeting options.

Benefits of Google Display Ads 

Wide Reach

The Google Display Network reaches over 90% of internet users worldwide, providing businesses with an extensive audience to target. Advertisers can show display ads on websites relevant to their offerings, allowing them to reach potential customers across a wide range of online platforms.

Visual Appeal

Display ads leverage visual elements such as images, videos, or rich media formats to capture users’ attention and create a lasting impression. This visual appeal can significantly impact brand recall and drive engagement. 

Flexible Ad Formats

Display Ads support various ad formats, giving businesses the freedom to choose the most suitable format for their campaign objectives. Whether it’s a static image ad, an interactive video ad, or a visually captivating rich media ad, advertisers can tailor their creatives to effectively convey their message. 

Advanced Targeting Options

The Google Display Network offers advanced targeting options based on demographics, interests, and browsing behavior. This results in higher conversion rates, as it allows businesses to reach specific audiences who are more likely to be interested in their products or services.

Google Shopping Ads 

How Google Shopping Ads Work 

Google Shopping Ads, also known as Product Listing Ads (PLAs), are a specific design for e-commerce businesses. These ads appear on both the SERP and the Google Shopping tab, displaying product images, prices, and other details. Unlike search ads, shopping ads do not rely on keywords for targeting. Instead, advertisers maintain a detailed catalog of their products, and Google matches them to relevant search queries.  To run a successful Google Shopping Ads campaign, businesses need to create and optimize their product feed. The product feed includes comprehensive information about the advertised products, including details like the title, description, price, and availability. By ensuring that the product feed is accurate, comprehensive, and up-to-date, businesses can increase their chances of appearing in relevant search results.

Benefits of Google Shopping Ads 

Enhanced Product Visibility

Shopping Ads prominently display product images and details, capturing users’ attention and providing them with valuable information at a glance. This increased visibility can lead to higher click-through rates and improved conversion rates. 

Increased Qualified Traffic

Shopping Ads, being custom-made for e-commerce businesses, draw in users who are in advanced stages of the buying process and actively seeking to make a purchase.This means that businesses are more likely to receive qualified traffic that has a higher potential for conversion. 

Detailed Product Information

Shopping ads provide users with detailed product information, including images, prices, reviews, and other relevant details. This transparency helps users make informed purchase decisions, resulting in more qualified leads for businesses. 

Automatic Campaign Management

Shopping Ads utilize automated campaign management, optimizing bids and placements to maximize performance. This saves businesses time and effort in manually managing campaigns, allowing them to focus on other aspects of their e-commerce operations. 

YouTube Ads 

How YouTube Ads Work 

What is YouTube Ads

As the world’s largest video-sharing platform, YouTube offers businesses an opportunity to reach a vast audience through YouTube Ads. These ads can appear before, during, or after YouTube videos, providing businesses with a platform to showcase their products or services to engaged viewers. YouTube Ads can be in the form of video ads, text ads, or display ads, offering flexibility to businesses in terms of their ad formats. 

To run a successful YouTube Ads campaign, businesses need to create engaging and compelling ad creatives that resonate with their target audience. Advertisers can select from various targeting options, such as demographics, interests, or even specific YouTube channels, to guarantee that their ads reach the most relevant viewers. YouTube Ads also provide detailed analytics, allowing businesses to measure the performance of their ads and optimize accordingly. 

Benefits of YouTube Ads 

Massive Reach

YouTube has over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, making it an ideal platform to reach a large and diverse audience. By leveraging YouTube Ads, businesses can tap into this vast user base and increase their brand visibility. 

Engaging Visual Medium

Video ads on YouTube provide businesses with a highly engaging medium to convey their message. With the ability to combine visuals, audio, and storytelling, video ads have the potential to create a lasting impact on viewers and drive higher engagement. 

Precise Targeting

YouTube Ads offer advanced targeting options, allowing businesses to reach specific demographics, interests, or even target viewers who have engaged with their previous videos. This precise targeting ensures that ads reach the most relevant audience, increasing the chances of conversions. 

Comprehensive Analytics

YouTube provides detailed analytics and reporting tools that enable businesses to track key metrics such as views, watch time, engagement, and conversions. This data allows advertisers to measure the impact of their YouTube Ads and make data-driven decisions to optimize their campaigns. 

We invite you to continue in the Part 2.